AurumCore (1.0.0)

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Welcome to our API documentation repository where you can find all the information you will need to interact with AurumCore APIs and learn how to start building your financial products today. AurumCore is an application platform that is an elastic, high-performance solution for cloud and hosting providers that can be easily installed on top of any hardware. Our RESTful APIs are self-explanatory URLs, they accept Request Bodies and return JSON-encoded responses. We use response codes, oAuth 2.0 and request methods of the HTTP standard. To access the API Collections and Environment Variables please contact us


AurumCore offers two types of APIs: End User APIs - used for mobile apps and web apps of your End-Users. Admin APIs - used for Admin Users, Legacy Systems and Third parties integrations.

The first step to get started is getting your access token by using the Authentication Methods presented below. Get ready to start using our APIs and empower your Financial Products with easy adaptation to the systems you choose to have in place.

How to use End User APIs?


How to use Admin APIs?


Any Questions?

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